Interface SiteMasterPicker

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    RandomSiteMasterPicker, StickySiteMasterPicker

    public interface SiteMasterPicker
    Allows an implementation to pick a SiteMaster or a Route from a list (if multiple site masters are enabled). An implementation could for example always pick the same site master (or route) for messages from a given sender (sticky site master policy, see

    The default implementation picks a random site master for every message to be relayed, even if they have the same original sender.

    If only one site master is configured, then pickSiteMaster(List,Address) (List,Address)} or pickRoute(String,List,Address) will never be called.

    3.6.12, 4.0
    Bela Ban
    • Method Detail

      • pickSiteMaster

        Address pickSiteMaster​(java.util.List<Address> site_masters,
                               Address original_sender)
        Needs to pick a member from a list of addresses of site masters
        site_masters - The list of site masters
        original_sender - The address of the original member sending a message
        The address of the site master (in the local cluster) to be used to forward the message to
      • pickRoute

        Route pickRoute​(java.lang.String site,
                        java.util.List<Route> routes,
                        Address original_sender)
        Picks a route to a given remote site from a list of routes.
        site - The name of the target (remote) site. Added for informational purposes; may or may not be used as selection criterium.
        routes - The list of routes. A route can be picked for example by using the address of the remote site master: Route.siteMaster()
        original_sender - The address of the original sender
        A route