Class PassRegularMessagesUpDirectly

    • Constructor Detail

      • PassRegularMessagesUpDirectly

        public PassRegularMessagesUpDirectly()
    • Method Detail

      • loopback

        public boolean loopback​(Message msg,
                                boolean oob)
        Description copied from interface: MessageProcessingPolicy
        Process a message that was not received from the transport but from above (e.g. the channel or a protocol), and needs to be looped back up because (1) the destination address is null (every multicast message is looped back) or (2) the destination address is the sender's address (unicast message to self).
        A message that is looped back can bypass cluster name matching.
        Specified by:
        loopback in interface MessageProcessingPolicy
        loopback in class SubmitToThreadPool
        msg - the message to be looped back up the stack.
        oob - true if the message is an OOB message