Package org.jgroups

Provides top-level public JGroups classes such as Channel, Message, etc.


Interface Summary
Address Address identifies cluster member.
ChannelListener Allows a listener to be notified when an important channel lifecycle event occurs.
MembershipListener Allows a listener to be notified when group membership changes.
MessageListener MessageListener allows a listener to be notified when a Message or a state transfer events arrives to a node.
PhysicalAddress Represents a physical (as opposed to logical) address
Receiver Defines the callbacks that are invoked when messages, views etc are received on a channel
UpHandler Provides a hook to hijack over all events received by a certain channel which has installed this UpHandler.

Class Summary
AnycastAddress This type of address represents a subset of the cluster members in which the total order properties must be applied, e.g.
Channel A channel represents a group communication endpoint (like BSD datagram sockets).
Event Event is a JGroups internal class used for inter-stack and intra-stack communication.
Global Global is a JGroups internal class defining global variables.
Header Header is a JGroups internal base class for all JGroups headers.
JChannel JChannel is a default implementation of a Channel abstraction.
Membership Represents a membership of a cluster group.
MergeView A view that is sent as a result of a cluster merge.
Message A Message encapsulates data sent to members of a group.
ReceiverAdapter An adapter implementing the Receiver interface with no-op implementations.
Version We're using the scheme described at for major, minor and micro version numbers.
View A view is a local representation of the current membership of a group.
ViewId ViewIds are used for ordering views (each view has a ViewId and a list of members).

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
StateTransferException StateTransferException is thrown to indicate a failure of a state transfer between cluster members.
SuspectedException Thrown if a message is sent to a suspected member.
TimeoutException Thrown if members fail to respond in time.
UnreachableException Thrown if member in different site cannot be contacted; used by RELAY2

Package org.jgroups Description

Provides top-level public JGroups classes such as Channel, Message, etc.

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