Package org.jgroups.util

Provides useful functionality which cannot be assigned to any particular other package.


Interface Summary
FutureListener<T> A listener that is called back when a future is done.
NotifyingFuture<T> A sub-interface of a Future, that allows for listeners to be attached so that observers can be notified when the future completes.
SizeStreamable Interface implementing Streamable and returning the size of the marshalled object.
SocketFactory Factory to create various types of sockets.
Streamable Implementations of Streamable can add their state directly to the output stream, enabling them to bypass costly serialization
TimeScheduler Timer-like interface which allows for execution of tasks.
TimeScheduler.Task The interface that dynamic tasks (TimeScheduler.scheduleWithDynamicInterval(org.jgroups.util.TimeScheduler.Task)) must implement

Class Summary
AckCollector Collects acks from a number of nodes, waits for all acks.
AdditionalDataUUID Subclass of UUID which adds a string as payload.
AgeOutCache<K> Cache which removes its elements after a certain time
BlockingInputStream Bounded input stream.
BoundedList<T> A bounded subclass of LinkedList, oldest elements are removed once max capacity is exceeded.
Buffer Buffer with an offset and length.
ConcurrentLinkedBlockingQueue<T> Attempt at writing a fast transfer queue, which is bounded.
CreditMap Maintains credits for senders, when credits fall below 0, a sender blocks until new credits have been received.
DefaultSocketFactory Default implementation, ignores service names
DefaultThreadFactory Thread factory mainly responsible for naming of threads.
DefaultTimeScheduler Implementation of TimeScheduler by extending ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor to keep tasks sorted.
DefaultTimeScheduler.RobustRunnable Class which catches exceptions in run() -
Digest A message digest, containing senders and ranges of seqnos, where each sender is associated with its highest delivered and received seqno seen so far.

Digest.DigestEntry Keeps track of one members plus its highest delivered and received seqnos
ExpiryCache<K> Cache which maintains timestamps for keys, and methods to remove/replace expired keys.
ExposedByteArrayOutputStream Extends ByteArrayOutputStream, but exposes the internal buffer.
FixedSizeBitSet Class copied from BitSet.
ForwardQueue Forwards messages in FIFO order to a destination.
GetNetworkInterfaces Lists all network interfaces on a system
HashedTimingWheel Implementation of TimeScheduler.
HashedTimingWheel.MyTask Simple task wrapper, always executed by at most 1 thread.
Headers Open addressing based implementation of a hashmap (not supporting the Map interface though) for message headers.
ImmutableReference<T> Simple class that holds an immutable reference to another object (or to null).
LazyThreadFactory Lazily names threads: whenever the address or cluster name is changed, all threads are renamed
MergeId ID to uniquely identify a merge
MockTimeScheduler Mock implementation of TimeScheduler, used by unit tests
MutableDigest A mutable version of Digest.
Owner Represents an 'owner', which is an address and thread ID
PayloadUUID Subclass of UUID which adds a string as payload.
Promise<T> Allows a thread to submit an asynchronous request and to wait for the result.
PropertiesToXML Iterates over all concrete Protocol classes and creates tables with Protocol's properties.
Queue Elements are added at the tail and removed from the head.
ResourceManager Manages resources such as multicast addresses and multicast ports, and TCP ports.
ResponseCollector<T> Similar to AckCollector, but collects responses, not just acks.
RetransmitTable A store for messages to be retransmitted or delivered.
RingBuffer<T> Ring buffer, implemented with a circular array.
RingBufferLockless<T> Ring buffer, implemented with a circular array.
Rsp<T> Class that represents a response from a communication
RspList<T> Contains responses from all members.
Seqno Keeps track of a single message to retransmit
SeqnoList A list of sequence numbers (seqnos).
SeqnoRange Keeps track of a range of messages to be retransmitted.
ShutdownRejectedExecutionHandler ShutdownRejectedExecutionHandler is a decorator RejectedExecutionHandler used in all JGroups ThreadPoolExecutor(s).
SingletonAddress Address with a cluster name.
StateTransferResult Encapsulates the result of a state transfer.
SuppressCache<T> Cache which keeps a timestamp and counter for every key.
SuppressLog<T> Log (using SuppressCache) which suppresses (certain) messages from the same member for a given time
Table<T> A store for elements (typically messages) to be retransmitted or delivered.
TimeScheduler2 Implementation of TimeScheduler.
TimeScheduler2.MyTask Simple task wrapper, always executed by at most 1 thread.
TimeScheduler3 Implementation of TimeScheduler.
TopologyUUID Subclass of UUID which adds 3 strings (siteId, rackId and machineId)as payload.
Triple<V1,V2,V3> Holds 3 values, useful when we have a map with a key, but more than 1 value and we don't want to create a separate holder object for the values, and don't want to pass the values as a list or array.
Tuple<V1,V2> Holds 2 values, useful when we have a map with a key, but more than 1 value and we don't want to create a separate holder object for the values, and don't want to pass the values as a list or array.
Util Collection of various utility routines that can not be assigned to other classes.
UUID Logical address which is unique over space and time.
XMLSchemaGenerator Iterates over all concrete Protocol classes and creates XML schema used for validation of configuration files.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary

Package org.jgroups.util Description

Provides useful functionality which cannot be assigned to any particular other package.

Copyright © 1998-2012 Bela Ban / Red Hat. All Rights Reserved.