Uses of Interface

Packages that use PersistenceManager
org.jgroups.persistence Provides features for storing information to a database or file. 

Uses of PersistenceManager in org.jgroups.persistence

Classes in org.jgroups.persistence that implement PersistenceManager
 class DBPersistenceManager
          Class will be utilized
 class FilePersistenceManager

Methods in org.jgroups.persistence that return PersistenceManager
 PersistenceManager PersistenceFactory.createManager()
          Deprecated. Reads the default properties and creates a persistencemanager The default properties are picked up from the $USER_HOME or from the classpath.
 PersistenceManager PersistenceFactory.createManager(java.lang.String filePath)
          Deprecated. Duplicated signature to create PersistenceManager to allow user to provide property path.

Methods in org.jgroups.persistence with parameters of type PersistenceManager
 void PersistenceFactory.registerManager(PersistenceManager manager)
          Deprecated. Register a custom persistence manager as opposed to the FilePersistenceManager or DBPersistenceManager.

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