Class DROP

  • public class DROP
    extends Protocol
    Protocol which drops up or down messages according to user-defined filters
    Bela Ban
    • Field Detail

      • down_filters

        protected final java.util.List<java.util.function.Predicate<Message>> down_filters
      • up_filters

        protected final java.util.List<java.util.function.Predicate<Message>> up_filters
    • Constructor Detail

      • DROP

        public DROP()
    • Method Detail

      • addDownFilter

        public DROP addDownFilter​(java.util.function.Predicate<Message> filter)
      • addUpFilter

        public DROP addUpFilter​(java.util.function.Predicate<Message> filter)
      • removeDownFilter

        public DROP removeDownFilter​(java.util.function.Predicate<Message> filter)
      • removeUpFilter

        public DROP removeUpFilter​(java.util.function.Predicate<Message> filter)
      • clearUpFilters

        public DROP clearUpFilters()
      • clearDownFilters

        public DROP clearDownFilters()
      • down

        public java.lang.Object down​(Message msg)
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        A message is sent down the stack. Protocols may examine the message and do something (e.g. add a header) with it before passing it down.
        down in class Protocol
      • up

        public java.lang.Object up​(Message msg)
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        A single message was received. Protocols may examine the message and do something (e.g. add a header) with it before passing it up.
        up in class Protocol
      • up

        public void up​(MessageBatch batch)
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        Sends up a multiple messages in a MessageBatch. The sender of the batch is always the same, and so is the destination (null == multicast messages). Messages in a batch can be OOB messages, regular messages, or mixed messages, although the transport itself will create initial MessageBatches that contain only either OOB or regular messages.

        The default processing below sends messages up the stack individually, based on a matching criteria (calling Protocol.accept(org.jgroups.Message)), and - if true - calls Protocol.up(org.jgroups.Event) for that message and removes the message. If the batch is not empty, it is passed up, or else it is dropped.

        Subclasses should check if there are any messages destined for them (e.g. using MessageBatch.getMatchingMessages(short,boolean)), then possibly remove and process them and finally pass the batch up to the next protocol. Protocols can also modify messages in place, e.g. ENCRYPT could decrypt all encrypted messages in the batch, not remove them, and pass the batch up when done.

        up in class Protocol
        batch - The message batch
      • dropped

        protected void dropped​(Message msg,
                               boolean down)