• All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NAKACK2
    extends Protocol
    implements DiagnosticsHandler.ProbeHandler
    Negative AcKnowledgement layer (NAKs). Messages are assigned a monotonically increasing sequence number (seqno). Receivers deliver messages ordered according to seqno and request retransmission of missing messages.
    Retransmit requests are usually sent to the original sender of a message, but this can be changed by xmit_from_random_member (send to random member) or use_mcast_xmit_req (send to everyone). Responses can also be sent to everyone instead of the requester by setting use_mcast_xmit to true.
    Bela Ban
    • Field Detail

      • use_mcast_xmit

        protected boolean use_mcast_xmit
        Retransmit messages using multicast rather than unicast. This has the advantage that, if many receivers lost a message, the sender only retransmits once
      • use_mcast_xmit_req

        protected boolean use_mcast_xmit_req
        Use a multicast to request retransmission of missing messages. This may be costly as every member in the cluster will send a response
      • xmit_from_random_member

        protected boolean xmit_from_random_member
        Ask a random member for retransmission of a missing message. If set to true, discard_delivered_msgs will be set to false
      • discard_delivered_msgs

        protected boolean discard_delivered_msgs
        Messages that have been received in order are sent up the stack (= delivered to the application). Delivered messages are removed from the retransmission buffer, so they can get GC'ed by the JVM. When this property is true, everyone (except the sender of a message) removes the message from their retransission buffers as soon as it has been delivered to the application
      • max_rebroadcast_timeout

        protected long max_rebroadcast_timeout
      • log_discard_msgs

        protected boolean log_discard_msgs
        If true, logs messages discarded because received from other members
      • log_not_found_msgs

        protected boolean log_not_found_msgs
      • xmit_interval

        protected long xmit_interval
      • xmit_table_num_rows

        protected int xmit_table_num_rows
      • xmit_table_msgs_per_row

        protected int xmit_table_msgs_per_row
      • xmit_table_resize_factor

        protected double xmit_table_resize_factor
      • xmit_table_max_compaction_time

        protected long xmit_table_max_compaction_time
      • become_server_queue_size

        protected int become_server_queue_size
      • suppress_time_non_member_warnings

        protected long suppress_time_non_member_warnings
      • max_xmit_req_size

        protected int max_xmit_req_size
      • max_batch_size

        protected int max_batch_size
      • resend_last_seqno

        protected boolean resend_last_seqno
      • resend_last_seqno_max_times

        protected int resend_last_seqno_max_times
      • sends_can_block

        protected boolean sends_can_block
      • num_messages_sent

        protected int num_messages_sent
      • num_messages_received

        protected int num_messages_received

        protected static final Message DUMMY_OOB_MSG
      • no_dummy_and_no_oob_delivered_msgs_and_no_dont_loopback_msgs

        protected final java.util.function.Predicate<Message> no_dummy_and_no_oob_delivered_msgs_and_no_dont_loopback_msgs
      • dont_loopback_filter

        protected static final java.util.function.Predicate<Message> dont_loopback_filter

        protected static final java.util.function.BiConsumer<MessageBatch,​Message> BATCH_ACCUMULATOR
      • xmit_reqs_received

        protected final java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder xmit_reqs_received
      • xmit_reqs_sent

        protected final java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder xmit_reqs_sent
      • xmit_rsps_received

        protected final java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder xmit_rsps_received
      • xmit_rsps_sent

        protected final java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder xmit_rsps_sent
      • is_trace

        protected boolean is_trace
      • is_server

        protected volatile boolean is_server
      • local_addr

        protected Address local_addr
      • members

        protected volatile java.util.List<Address> members
      • view

        protected volatile View view
      • xmit_table

        protected final java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap<Address,​Table<Message>> xmit_table
        Map to store sent and received messages (keyed by sender)
      • xmit_task

        protected java.util.concurrent.Future<?> xmit_task
        RetransmitTask running every xmit_interval ms
      • xmit_task_map

        protected final java.util.Map<Address,​java.lang.Long> xmit_task_map
        Used by the retransmit task to keep the last retransmitted seqno per sender (
      • leaving

        protected volatile boolean leaving
      • running

        protected volatile boolean running
      • rebroadcast_lock

        protected final java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock rebroadcast_lock
      • rebroadcast_done

        protected final java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition rebroadcast_done
      • rebroadcasting

        protected volatile boolean rebroadcasting
      • rebroadcast_digest_lock

        protected final java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock rebroadcast_digest_lock
      • rebroadcast_digest

        protected Digest rebroadcast_digest
      • stability_msgs

        protected final BoundedList<java.lang.String> stability_msgs
        Keeps the last N stability messages
      • digest_history

        protected final BoundedList<java.lang.String> digest_history
        Keeps a bounded list of the last N digest sets
      • suppress_log_non_member

        protected SuppressLog<Address> suppress_log_non_member
        Log to suppress identical warnings for messages from non-members
    • Constructor Detail

      • NAKACK2

        public NAKACK2()
    • Method Detail

      • isXmitTaskRunning

        public boolean isXmitTaskRunning()
      • getNonMemberMessages

        public int getNonMemberMessages()
      • clearNonMemberCache

        public void clearNonMemberCache()
      • setResendLastSeqno

        public void setResendLastSeqno​(boolean flag)
      • resendLastSeqno

        public NAKACK2 resendLastSeqno​(boolean flag)
      • resendTaskRunning

        public boolean resendTaskRunning()
      • getXmitRequestsReceived

        public long getXmitRequestsReceived()
      • getXmitRequestsSent

        public long getXmitRequestsSent()
      • getXmitResponsesReceived

        public long getXmitResponsesReceived()
      • getXmitResponsesSent

        public long getXmitResponsesSent()
      • isUseMcastXmit

        public boolean isUseMcastXmit()
      • isXmitFromRandomMember

        public boolean isXmitFromRandomMember()
      • isDiscardDeliveredMsgs

        public boolean isDiscardDeliveredMsgs()
      • getLogDiscardMessages

        public boolean getLogDiscardMessages()
      • setUseMcastXmit

        public NAKACK2 setUseMcastXmit​(boolean use_mcast_xmit)
      • setUseMcastXmitReq

        public NAKACK2 setUseMcastXmitReq​(boolean flag)
      • setLogDiscardMessages

        public NAKACK2 setLogDiscardMessages​(boolean flag)
      • setLogNotFoundMessages

        public NAKACK2 setLogNotFoundMessages​(boolean flag)
      • setResendLastSeqnoMaxTimes

        public NAKACK2 setResendLastSeqnoMaxTimes​(int n)
      • setXmitFromRandomMember

        public NAKACK2 setXmitFromRandomMember​(boolean xmit_from_random_member)
      • setDiscardDeliveredMsgs

        public void setDiscardDeliveredMsgs​(boolean discard_delivered_msgs)
      • setLevel

        public <T extends Protocol> T setLevel​(java.lang.String level)
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        Sets the level of a logger. This method is used to dynamically change the logging level of a running system, e.g. via JMX. The appender of a level needs to exist.
        setLevel in class Protocol
        level - The new level. Valid values are "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace" (capitalization not relevant)
      • getBecomeServerQueueSizeActual

        public int getBecomeServerQueueSizeActual()
      • getWindow

        public Table<Message> getWindow​(Address sender)
        Returns the receive window for sender; only used for testing. Do not use !
      • setTimer

        public void setTimer​(TimeScheduler timer)
        Only used for unit tests, don't use !
      • getXmitTableUndeliveredMsgs

        public int getXmitTableUndeliveredMsgs()
      • getXmitTableMissingMessages

        public int getXmitTableMissingMessages()
      • getXmitTableCapacity

        public long getXmitTableCapacity()
      • getXmitTableNumCurrentRows

        public int getXmitTableNumCurrentRows()
      • getSizeOfAllMessages

        public long getSizeOfAllMessages()
      • getSizeOfAllMessagesInclHeaders

        public long getSizeOfAllMessagesInclHeaders()
      • getXmitTableNumCompactions

        public int getXmitTableNumCompactions()
      • getXmitTableNumMoves

        public int getXmitTableNumMoves()
      • getXmitTableNumResizes

        public int getXmitTableNumResizes()
      • getXmitTableNumPurges

        public int getXmitTableNumPurges()
      • printMessages

        public java.lang.String printMessages()
      • getCurrentSeqno

        public long getCurrentSeqno()
      • printStabilityMessages

        public java.lang.String printStabilityMessages()
      • printDigestHistory

        public java.lang.String printDigestHistory()
      • compact

        public void compact()
      • dumpXmitTablesNumCurrentRows

        public java.lang.String dumpXmitTablesNumCurrentRows()
      • init

        public void init()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        Called after instance has been created (null constructor) and before protocol is started. Properties are already set. Other protocols are not yet connected and events cannot yet be sent.
        init in class Protocol
        java.lang.Exception - Thrown if protocol cannot be initialized successfully. This will cause the ProtocolStack to fail, so the channel constructor will throw an exception
      • providedUpServices

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> providedUpServices()
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        List of events that are provided to layers above (they will be handled when sent down from above)
        providedUpServices in class Protocol
      • start

        public void start()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        This method is called on a JChannel.connect(String). Starts work. Protocols are connected and queues are ready to receive events. Will be called from bottom to top. This call will replace the START and START_OK events.
        start in class Protocol
        java.lang.Exception - Thrown if protocol cannot be started successfully. This will cause the ProtocolStack to fail, so JChannel.connect(String) will throw an exception
      • stop

        public void stop()
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        This method is called on a JChannel.disconnect(). Stops work (e.g. by closing multicast socket). Will be called from top to bottom. This means that at the time of the method invocation the neighbor protocol below is still working. This method will replace the STOP, STOP_OK, CLEANUP and CLEANUP_OK events. The ProtocolStack guarantees that when this method is called all messages in the down queue will have been flushed
        stop in class Protocol
      • down

        public java.lang.Object down​(Event evt)
        Callback. Called by superclass when event may be handled.

        Do not use down_prot.down() in this method as the event is passed down by default by the superclass after this method returns !

        down in class Protocol
      • down

        public java.lang.Object down​(Message msg)
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        A message is sent down the stack. Protocols may examine the message and do something (e.g. add a header) with it before passing it down.
        down in class Protocol
      • up

        public java.lang.Object up​(Event evt)
        Callback. Called by superclass when event may be handled.

        Do not use passUp in this method as the event is passed up by default by the superclass after this method returns !

        up in class Protocol
      • up

        public java.lang.Object up​(Message msg)
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        A single message was received. Protocols may examine the message and do something (e.g. add a header) with it before passing it up.
        up in class Protocol
      • up

        public void up​(MessageBatch batch)
        Description copied from class: Protocol
        Sends up a multiple messages in a MessageBatch. The sender of the batch is always the same, and so is the destination (null == multicast messages). Messages in a batch can be OOB messages, regular messages, or mixed messages, although the transport itself will create initial MessageBatches that contain only either OOB or regular messages.

        The default processing below sends messages up the stack individually, based on a matching criteria (calling Protocol.accept(org.jgroups.Message)), and - if true - calls Protocol.up(org.jgroups.Event) for that message and removes the message. If the batch is not empty, it is passed up, or else it is dropped.

        Subclasses should check if there are any messages destined for them (e.g. using MessageBatch.getMatchingMessages(short,boolean)), then possibly remove and process them and finally pass the batch up to the next protocol. Protocols can also modify messages in place, e.g. ENCRYPT could decrypt all encrypted messages in the batch, not remove them, and pass the batch up when done.

        up in class Protocol
        batch - The message batch
      • handleProbe

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> handleProbe​(java.lang.String... keys)
        Description copied from interface: DiagnosticsHandler.ProbeHandler
        Handles a probe. For each key that is handled, the key and its result should be in the returned map.
        Specified by:
        handleProbe in interface DiagnosticsHandler.ProbeHandler
        Map. A map of keys and values. A null return value is permissible.
      • queueMessage

        protected void queueMessage​(Message msg,
                                    long seqno)
      • unknownMember

        protected void unknownMember​(Address sender,
                                     java.lang.Object message)
      • send

        protected void send​(Message msg)
        Adds the message to the sent_msgs table and then passes it down the stack. Change Bela Ban May 26 2002: we don't store a copy of the message, but a reference ! This saves us a lot of memory. However, this also means that a message should not be changed after storing it in the sent-table ! See protocols/DESIGN for details. Made seqno increment and adding to sent_msgs atomic, e.g. seqno won't get incremented if adding to sent_msgs fails e.g. due to an OOM (see bela Jan 13 2006
      • handleMessage

        protected void handleMessage​(Message msg,
                                     NakAckHeader2 hdr)
        Finds the corresponding retransmit buffer and adds the message to it (according to seqno). Then removes as many messages as possible and passes them up the stack. Discards messages from non-members.
      • removeAndDeliver

        protected void removeAndDeliver​(Table<Message> buf,
                                        Address sender,
                                        boolean loopback,
                                        AsciiString cluster_name)
        Efficient way of checking whether another thread is already processing messages from sender. If that's the case, we return immediately and let the existing thread process our message ( Benefit: fewer threads blocked on the same lock, these threads can be returned to the thread pool
      • handleXmitReq

        protected void handleXmitReq​(Address xmit_requester,
                                     SeqnoList missing_msgs,
                                     Address original_sender)
        Retransmits messsages first_seqno to last_seqno from original_sender from xmit_table to xmit_requester, called when XMIT_REQ is received.
        xmit_requester - The sender of the XMIT_REQ, we have to send the requested copy of the message to this address
        missing_msgs - A list of seqnos that have to be retransmitted
        original_sender - The member who originally sent the messsage. Guaranteed to be non-null
      • deliver

        protected void deliver​(Message msg,
                               Address sender,
                               long seqno,
                               java.lang.String error_msg)
      • deliverBatch

        protected void deliverBatch​(MessageBatch batch)
      • cancelRebroadcasting

        protected void cancelRebroadcasting()
      • sendXmitRsp

        protected void sendXmitRsp​(Address dest,
                                   Message msg)
        Sends a message msg to the requester. We have to wrap the original message into a retransmit message, as we need to preserve the original message's properties, such as src, headers etc.
        dest -
        msg -
      • handleHighestSeqno

        protected void handleHighestSeqno​(Address sender,
                                          long seqno)
        Compares the sender's highest seqno with my highest seqno: if the sender's is higher, ask sender for retransmission
        sender - The sender
        seqno - The highest seqno sent by sender
      • rebroadcastMessages

        protected void rebroadcastMessages()
        Takes the argument highest_seqnos and compares it to the current digest. If the current digest has fewer messages, then send retransmit messages for the missing messages. Return when all missing messages have been received. If we're waiting for a missing message from P, and P crashes while waiting, we need to exclude P from the wait set.
      • checkForRebroadcasts

        protected void checkForRebroadcasts()
      • isGreaterThanOrEqual

        protected static boolean isGreaterThanOrEqual​(Digest first,
                                                      Digest other)
        Returns true if all senders of the current digest have their seqnos >= the ones from other
      • adjustReceivers

        protected void adjustReceivers​(java.util.List<Address> members)
        Removes old members from xmit-table and adds new members to xmit-table (at seqnos hd=0, hr=0). This method is not called concurrently
      • getDigest

        public Digest getDigest()
        Returns a message digest: for each member P the highest delivered and received seqno is added
      • setDigest

        protected void setDigest​(Digest digest)
        Creates a retransmit buffer for each sender in the digest according to the sender's seqno. If a buffer already exists, it resets it.
      • mergeDigest

        protected void mergeDigest​(Digest digest)
        For all members of the digest, adjust the retransmit buffers in xmit_table. If no entry exists, create one with the initial seqno set to the seqno of the member in the digest. If the member already exists, and is not the local address, replace it with the new entry ( if the digest's seqno is greater than the seqno in the window.
      • overwriteDigest

        protected void overwriteDigest​(Digest digest)
        Overwrites existing entries, but does NOT remove entries not found in the digest
        digest -
      • setDigest

        protected void setDigest​(Digest digest,
                                 boolean merge)
        Sets or merges the digest. If there is no entry for a given member in xmit_table, create a new buffer. Else skip the existing entry, unless it is a merge. In this case, skip the existing entry if its seqno is greater than or equal to the one in the digest, or reset the window and create a new one if not.
        digest - The digest
        merge - Whether to merge the new digest with our own, or not
      • createTable

        protected Table<Message> createTable​(long initial_seqno)
      • stable

        protected void stable​(Digest digest)
        Garbage collect messages that have been seen by all members. Update sent_msgs: for the sender P in the digest which is equal to the local address, garbage collect all messages <= seqno at digest[P]. Update xmit_table: for each sender P in the digest and its highest seqno seen SEQ, garbage collect all delivered_msgs in the retransmit buffer corresponding to P which are <= seqno at digest[P].
      • retransmit

        protected void retransmit​(long first_seqno,
                                  long last_seqno,
                                  Address sender)
      • retransmit

        protected void retransmit​(long first_seqno,
                                  long last_seqno,
                                  Address sender,
                                  boolean multicast_xmit_request)
      • retransmit

        protected void retransmit​(SeqnoList missing_msgs,
                                  Address sender,
                                  boolean multicast_xmit_request)
      • reset

        protected void reset()
      • sizeOfAllMessages

        protected static long sizeOfAllMessages​(Table<Message> buf,
                                                boolean include_headers)
      • startRetransmitTask

        protected void startRetransmitTask()
      • stopRetransmitTask

        protected void stopRetransmitTask()
      • triggerXmit

        public void triggerXmit()