Bridge |
Class which joins the bridge cluster and send and receives messages to/from other sites.
DefaultRouteStatusListener |
ForwardingRoute |
Route which forwards all messages to a given site via a given route.
Example: if site HF is reachable via NET1, and NET2 is not directly connected to HF, it needs to have a
ForwardConfig with to="HF" and gateway="NET1".
RandomSiteMasterPicker |
Implementation of SiteMasterPicker which picks random site masters / routes to site masters
Design: ./doc/design/RELAY2.txt and at
Provides relaying of messages between autonomous sites.
Design: ./doc/design/RELAY2.txt and at
Relayer |
Base class for all relayers
Relayer2 |
Maintains bridges and routing table.
Relayer2.Bridge |
Relayer3 |
Maintains bridges and routing table.
RelayHeader |
Route |
Class which maintains the destination address for sending messages to a given site, and the bridge channel to do so.
RouteStatusListener |
Gets notified when a site comes up or goes down
SiteAddress |
Address with a site suffix
SiteAddress.Type |
SiteMaster |
Special address with the UUID part being 0: identifies the current (relay) coordinator of a given site.
SiteMasterPicker |
Allows an implementation to pick a SiteMaster or a Route from a list (if multiple site masters are
SiteStatus |
Maintains the status of sites (up, down, undefined).
SiteStatus.Status |
SiteUUID |
Implementation of SiteAddress
Topology |
Provides a cache of all sites and their members (addresses, IP addresses, site masters etc) in a network of
autonomous sites.