Uses of Interface

Packages that use UpHandler
org.jgroups Provides top-level public JGroups classes such as Channel, Message, etc. 
org.jgroups.blocks Provides building blocks that are layered on top of channels. 

Uses of UpHandler in org.jgroups

Fields in org.jgroups declared as UpHandler
protected  UpHandler Channel.up_handler

Methods in org.jgroups that return UpHandler
 UpHandler Channel.getUpHandler()
          Returns UpHandler installed for this channel

Methods in org.jgroups with parameters of type UpHandler
 void Channel.setUpHandler(UpHandler up_handler)
          Sets this channel event handler to be a recipient off all events .

Uses of UpHandler in org.jgroups.blocks

Methods in org.jgroups.blocks that return UpHandler
 UpHandler MessageDispatcher.getProtocolAdapter()

Methods in org.jgroups.blocks with parameters of type UpHandler
protected  void MessageDispatcher.installUpHandler(UpHandler handler, boolean canReplace)
          Sets the given UpHandler as the UpHandler for the channel, or, if the channel already has a Muxer installed as it's UpHandler, sets the given handler as the Muxer's default handler.

Uses of UpHandler in org.jgroups.blocks.mux

Classes in org.jgroups.blocks.mux that implement UpHandler
 class MuxUpHandler
          Allows up handler multiplexing.

Methods in org.jgroups.blocks.mux that return UpHandler
 UpHandler MuxUpHandler.get(short id)
          Gets the handler registered under the specified id
 UpHandler MuxUpHandler.getDefaultHandler()

Methods in org.jgroups.blocks.mux with parameters of type UpHandler
 void MuxUpHandler.add(short id, UpHandler handler)
          Registers the specified handler to handle messages containing a mux header with the specified mux identifier.
 void MuxUpHandler.setDefaultHandler(UpHandler handler)

Constructors in org.jgroups.blocks.mux with parameters of type UpHandler
MuxUpHandler(UpHandler defaultHandler)
          Creates a multiplexing up handler using the specified default handler.

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