Interface Summary | |
AUTH.UpHandler | Interface to provide callbacks for handling up events |
TP.Bundler | |
Class Summary | |
AUTH | The AUTH protocol adds a layer of authentication to JGroups |
AuthHeader | AuthHeader is a holder object for the token that is passed from the joiner to the coordinator |
BARRIER | All messages up the stack have to go through a barrier (read lock, RL). |
BasicTCP | Shared base class for TCP protocols |
BPING | Broadcast PING. |
BSH | Beanshell (www.beanshell.org) interpreter class. |
CENTRAL_EXECUTOR | This is a central executor service where each request is sent to the coordinator for either a task or a current waiting thread. |
CENTRAL_LOCK | Implementation of a locking protocol which acquires locks by contacting the coordinator. |
COMPRESS | Compresses the payload of a message. |
COMPRESS.CompressHeader | |
COUNTER | Protocol which is used by CounterService to provide a distributed atomic counter |
COUNTER.AddAndGetRequest | |
COUNTER.BooleanResponse | |
COUNTER.CompareAndSetRequest | |
COUNTER.CounterHeader | |
COUNTER.DeleteRequest | |
COUNTER.ExceptionResponse | |
COUNTER.GetOrCreateRequest | |
COUNTER.GetOrCreateResponse | |
COUNTER.ReconcileRequest | |
COUNTER.ReconcileResponse | |
COUNTER.Request | |
COUNTER.ResendPendingRequests | |
COUNTER.Response | |
COUNTER.SetRequest | |
COUNTER.SimpleRequest | |
COUNTER.SimpleResponse | Response without data |
COUNTER.UpdateRequest | |
COUNTER.ValueResponse | |
COUNTER.VersionedValue | |
DAISYCHAIN | Implementation of daisy chaining. |
DAISYCHAIN.DaisyHeader | |
DELAY | Delays incoming/outgoing messages by a random number of milliseconds (range between 0 and n where n is determined by the user). |
DELAY_JOIN_REQ | Discards 2 JOIN-REQs then accepts 1, then discards 2 more and so on |
DISCARD | Discards up or down messages based on a percentage; e.g., setting property 'up' to 0.1 causes 10% of all up messages to be discarded. |
DISCARD_PAYLOAD | Discards a message whose sequence number (in the payload, as a Long) matches seqno 2 times, before passing it down. |
DISCARD.DiscardHeader | |
Discovery | The Discovery protocol retrieves the initial membership (used by GMS and MERGE2) by sending discovery requests. |
Discovery.Responses | |
DUPL | Duplicates outgoing or incoming messages by copying them |
ENCRYPT.EncryptHeader | |
EXAMPLE | Example of a protocol layer. |
EXAMPLE.ExampleHeader | |
Executing | This is the base protocol used for executions. |
Executing.ExecutorHeader | |
Executing.Owner | |
Executing.Request | |
Executing.RequestWithThread | |
FC | Simple flow control protocol based on a credit system. |
FcHeader | Header used by various flow control protocols |
FD | Failure detection based on simple heartbeat protocol. |
FD_ALL | Failure detection based on simple heartbeat protocol. |
FD_ALL.HeartbeatHeader | |
FD_ICMP | Protocol which uses InetAddress.isReachable() to check whether a given host is up or not, taking 1 argument; the host name of the host to be pinged. |
FD_PING | Protocol which uses an executable (e.g. |
FD_PING.Pinger | |
FD_SIMPLE | Simple failure detection protocol. |
FD_SIMPLE.FdHeader | |
FD_SOCK | Failure detection protocol based on sockets. |
FD_SOCK.FdHeader | |
FD.FdHeader | |
FILE_PING | Simple discovery protocol which uses a file on shared storage such as an SMB share, NFS mount or S3. |
FlowControl | Simple flow control protocol based on a credit system. |
FORWARD_TO_COORD | Forwards a message to the current coordinator. |
FORWARD_TO_COORD.ForwardHeader | |
FRAG | Fragmentation layer. |
FRAG2 | Fragmentation layer. |
FragHeader | |
HDRS | Example of a protocol layer. |
HTOTAL | Implementation of UTO-TCP as designed by EPFL. |
HTOTAL.HTotalHeader | |
JDBC_PING | Discovery protocol using a JDBC connection to a shared database. |
Locking | Base locking protocol, handling most of the protocol communication with other instances. |
Locking.LockingHeader | |
Locking.Request | |
MERGE2 | Protocol to discover subgroups; e.g., existing due to a network partition (that healed). |
MERGE3 | Protocol to discover subgroups; e.g., existing due to a network partition (that healed). |
MERGE3.MergeHeader | |
MFC | Simple flow control protocol based on a credit system. |
MPING | Uses its own IP multicast socket to send and receive discovery requests/responses. |
PDC | Persistent Discovery Cache. |
PDC.Mapping | |
PEER_LOCK | Implementation of a locking protocol which acquires locks by contacting all of the nodes of a cluster. |
PING | The PING protocol retrieves the initial membership by mcasting a discovery request (via the multicast capable transport) to all current cluster members The responses should allow us to determine the coordinator which we have to contact, e.g. |
PingData | Encapsulates information about a cluster node, e.g. |
PingHeader | |
PRIO | This protocol will provide message sending and receiving prioritization. |
PrioHeader | This Header class is used in conjunction with the PRIO protocol to prioritize message sending/receiving
Priority values are from 0 to 255 where 0 is the highest priority
Example of setting a message priority:
// Create a message to send to everyone
Message message = new Message( null, null, messagePayload );
// Add the priority protocol header
PrioHeader header = new PrioHeader( 1 );
short protocolId = ClassConfigurator.getProtocolId(PRIO.class);
message.putHeader( protocolId, header);
RACKSPACE_PING | Discovery protocol based on Rackspace Cloud Files storage solution |
RATE_LIMITER | Protocol which sends at most max_bytes in time_period milliseconds. |
RELAY | Simple relaying protocol: RELAY is added to the top of the stack, creates a channel to a bridge cluster, and - if coordinator - relays all multicast messages via the bridge cluster to the remote cluster. This is not a big virtual cluster, e.g. |
RELAY.RelayHeader | |
RELAY.ViewData | Contains local and remote views, and UUID information |
RSVP | Protocol which implements synchronous messages (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JGRP-1389). |
RSVP.RsvpHeader | |
S3_PING | Discovery protocol using Amazon's S3 storage. |
SCOPE | Implements https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JGRP-822, which allows for concurrent delivery of messages from the same sender based on scopes. |
SCOPE.MessageQueue | |
SCOPE.ScopeHeader | |
SEQUENCER | Implementation of total order protocol using a sequencer. |
SEQUENCER.SequencerHeader | |
SHARED_LOOPBACK | Loopback transport shared by all channels within the same VM. |
SHUFFLE | Reorders messages by buffering them and shuffling the result after TIMEOUT ms. |
SIZE | Protocol which prints out the real size of a message. |
STATS | Provides various stats |
STOMP | Protocol which provides STOMP (http://stomp.codehaus.org/) support. |
STOMP.Frame | |
STOMP.StompHeader | |
SWIFT_PING | Discovery protocol based on Openstack Swift (object storage). |
SWIFT_PING.SwiftClient | A thread safe Swift client |
TCP | TCP based protocol. |
TCP_NIO | Transport using NIO |
TCPGOSSIP | The TCPGOSSIP protocol layer retrieves the initial membership (used by the GMS when started by sending event FIND_INITIAL_MBRS down the stack). |
TCPPING | The TCPPING protocol defines a static cluster membership. |
TP | Generic transport - specific implementations should extend this abstract class. |
TP.ProtocolAdapter | Used when the transport is shared (singleton_name is not null). |
TpHeader | Generic transport header, used by TP. |
TUNNEL | Replacement for UDP. |
UDP | IP multicast transport based on UDP. |
UFC | Simple flow control protocol based on a credit system. |
UNICAST | Reliable unicast layer. |
UNICAST.ReceiverEntry | |
UNICAST.UnicastHeader | The following types and fields are serialized: |
UNICAST2 | Reliable unicast layer. |
UNICAST2.Unicast2Header | The following types and fields are serialized: |
VERIFY_SUSPECT | Catches SUSPECT events traveling up the stack. |
Enum Summary | |
COUNTER.RequestType | |
COUNTER.ResponseType | |
Executing.Type | |
Locking.Type | |
MERGE3.MergeHeader.Type | |
RELAY.RelayHeader.Type | |
STOMP.ClientVerb | |
STOMP.ServerVerb | |
STOMP.StompHeader.Type |
Provides implementations of transport protocols which are responsible for sending and receiving messages to/from the network.