Uses of Class

Packages that use Digest
org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast Supports probabilistic broadcasts. 
org.jgroups.util Provides useful functionality which cannot be assigned to any particular other package. 

Uses of Digest in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast

Fields in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast declared as Digest
protected  Digest MergeData.digest
protected  Digest StreamingStateTransfer.StateHeader.my_digest
protected  Digest STATE_TRANSFER.StateHeader.my_digest
protected  Digest NAKACK2.rebroadcast_digest

Fields in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast with type parameters of type Digest
protected  BoundedList<Digest> NAKACK2.stability_msgs
          BoundedList, keeps the last 10 stability messages
protected  BoundedList<Digest> NAKACK.stability_msgs
          BoundedList, keeps the last 10 stability messages

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast that return Digest
 Digest GMS.getDigest()
          Sends down a GET_DIGEST event and waits for the GET_DIGEST_OK response, or timeout, whichever occurs first
 Digest MergeData.getDigest()
 Digest NAKACK2.getDigest()
          Returns a message digest: for each member P the highest delivered and received seqno is added
 Digest StreamingStateTransfer.StateHeader.getDigest()
 Digest NAKACK.getDigest()
          Returns a message digest: for each member P the highest delivered and received seqno is added
 Digest STATE_TRANSFER.StateHeader.getDigest()
 Digest JoinRsp.getDigest()
 Digest NAKACK2.getDigest(Address mbr)
 Digest NAKACK.getDigest(Address mbr)

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast that return types with arguments of type Digest
 Tuple<View,Digest> GMS.getViewAndDigest()
          Returns the current view and digest

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast with parameters of type Digest
 void FLUSH.FlushHeader.addDigest(Digest digest)
 void GMS.castViewChange(View new_view, Digest digest, JoinRsp jr, java.util.Collection<Address> newMembers)
          Broadcasts the new view and digest, and waits for acks from all members in the list given as argument.
protected  void STATE_TRANSFER.getStateFromApplication(Address requester, Digest digest)
 void Merger.handleDigestResponse(Address sender, Digest digest)
 void ServerGmsImpl.handleDigestResponse(Address sender, Digest digest)
 void GmsImpl.handleDigestResponse(Address sender, Digest digest)
 void GmsImpl.handleViewChange(View new_view, Digest digest)
 void CoordGmsImpl.handleViewChange(View new_view, Digest digest)
          Called by the GMS when a VIEW is received.
 void ParticipantGmsImpl.handleViewChange(View new_view, Digest digest)
          If we are leaving, we have to wait for the view change (last msg in the current view) that excludes us before we can leave.
 void GMS.installView(View new_view, Digest digest)
          Sets the new view and sends a VIEW_CHANGE event up and down the stack.
 void GMS.mergeDigest(Digest d)
          Send down a MERGE_DIGEST event
protected  void NAKACK2.mergeDigest(Digest digest)
          For all members of the digest, adjust the retransmit buffers in xmit_table.
protected  void NAKACK2.overwriteDigest(Digest digest)
          Overwrites existing entries, but does NOT remove entries not found in the digest
 void GMS.setDigest(Digest d)
          Send down a SET_DIGEST event
protected  void NAKACK2.setDigest(Digest digest)
          Creates a retransmit buffer for each sender in the digest according to the sender's seqno.
protected  void NAKACK2.setDigest(Digest digest, boolean merge)
          Sets or merges the digest.
protected  void StreamingStateTransfer.setStateInApplication(Address provider, in, Digest digest)
protected  void NAKACK2.stable(Digest digest)
          Garbage collect messages that have been seen by all members.

Constructors in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast with parameters of type Digest
JoinRsp(View v, Digest d)
MergeData(Address sender, View view, Digest digest)
MergeData(Address sender, View view, Digest digest, boolean merge_rejected)
STABLE.StableHeader(int type, Digest digest)
STATE_TRANSFER.StateHeader(byte type, Digest digest)
StreamingStateTransfer.StateHeader(byte type, Digest digest)
StreamingStateTransfer.StateHeader(byte type, IpAddress bind_addr, Digest digest)

Uses of Digest in org.jgroups.util

Subclasses of Digest in org.jgroups.util
 class MutableDigest
          A mutable version of Digest.

Methods in org.jgroups.util that return Digest
 Digest Digest.copy()
 Digest Digest.difference(Digest other)
 Digest Digest.highestSequence(Digest other)

Methods in org.jgroups.util with parameters of type Digest
 void MutableDigest.add(Digest digest)
 void MutableDigest.add(Digest digest, boolean replace)
 boolean Digest.containsAll(Digest other)
          Returns true if our 'members' array contains all of the elements in other.members
 Digest Digest.difference(Digest other)
 Digest Digest.highestSequence(Digest other)
 boolean Digest.isGreaterThanOrEqual(Digest other)
          Returns true if all senders of the current digest have their seqnos >= the ones from other
 void MutableDigest.merge(Digest digest)
          Adds a digest to this digest.
 void MutableDigest.replace(Digest d)
 boolean Digest.sameSenders(Digest other)
          Compares two digests and returns true if the senders are the same, otherwise false.

Constructors in org.jgroups.util with parameters of type Digest
Digest(Digest digest)
MutableDigest(Digest digest)

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