Uses of Class

Packages that use GuardedBy
org.jgroups.blocks Provides building blocks that are layered on top of channels. 
org.jgroups.protocols Provides implementations of transport protocols which are responsible for sending and receiving messages to/from the network. 
org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast Supports probabilistic broadcasts. 
org.jgroups.stack Support for managing protocol stacks. 
org.jgroups.util Provides useful functionality which cannot be assigned to any particular other package. 

Uses of GuardedBy in org.jgroups.blocks

Methods in org.jgroups.blocks with annotations of type GuardedBy
protected  boolean UnicastRequest.responsesComplete()
protected  boolean GroupRequest.responsesComplete()
protected  boolean Request.responsesComplete(long timeout)
          This method runs with lock locked (called by execute()).
protected  boolean Request.waitForResults(long timeout)

Uses of GuardedBy in org.jgroups.protocols

Fields in org.jgroups.protocols with annotations of type GuardedBy
protected  java.util.concurrent.Future<?> FD.Broadcaster.bcast_future
protected  long RATE_LIMITER.end_of_current_period
protected  java.util.List<Address> FD.members
protected  java.util.concurrent.Future<?> FD.monitor_future
protected  long RATE_LIMITER.num_bytes_sent_in_period
          Keeps track of the number of bytes sent in the current time period
protected  Address FD.ping_dest
protected  java.util.List<Address> FD.pingable_mbrs
          Members from which we select ping_dest.
protected  FD.BroadcastTask FD.Broadcaster.task

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols with annotations of type GuardedBy
protected  void FD.computePingDest(Address remove)
          Computes pingable_mbrs (based on the current membership and the suspected members) and ping_dest
protected  void FD.startMonitor()
          Requires lock to held by caller
protected  void FD.stopMonitor()
          Requires lock to be held by caller
protected  void FD.unsuspect(Address mbr)

Uses of GuardedBy in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast

Fields in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast with annotations of type GuardedBy
protected  java.util.List<Address> StreamingStateTransfer.members
protected  Digest NAKACK2.rebroadcast_digest

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast with annotations of type GuardedBy
protected  void StreamingStateTransfer.removeRequester(Address requester)

Uses of GuardedBy in org.jgroups.stack

Methods in org.jgroups.stack with annotations of type GuardedBy
protected  void RouterStub._doConnect()

Uses of GuardedBy in org.jgroups.util

Fields in org.jgroups.util with annotations of type GuardedBy
protected  java.util.Map<Address,java.lang.Long> CreditMap.credits

Methods in org.jgroups.util with annotations of type GuardedBy
protected  void Table._compact()
          Moves the contents of matrix down by the number of purged rows and resizes the matrix accordingly.
protected  boolean RingBuffer.block(long seqno)
protected  void BlockingInputStream.compact()
          Moves the bytes between [read_pos and write_pos] read_pos bytes to the left, such that the new read_pos is 0 and the write_pos is write_pos - read_pos.
protected  int Table.computeIndex(long seqno)
          Computes and returns the index within a row for seqno
protected  int Table.computeRow(long seqno)
          Computes and returns the row index for seqno.
 int Table.computeSize()
          Iterate from low to hr and add up non-null values.
 void Table.forEach(long from, long to, Table.Visitor<T> visitor)
          Iterates over the matrix with range [from ..
protected  T[] Table.getRow(int index)
          Returns a row.
protected  void Table.move(int num_rows)
          Moves contents of matrix num_rows down.
protected  int BlockingInputStream.remaining()
protected  void Table.resize(long seqno)
          Moves rows down the matrix, by removing purged rows.
protected  int BlockingInputStream.size()
 boolean Table.Remover.visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column)
 boolean Table.Dump.visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column)

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