Uses of Class

Packages that use Message
org.jgroups Provides top-level public JGroups classes such as Channel, Message, etc. 
org.jgroups.blocks Provides building blocks that are layered on top of channels. 
org.jgroups.demos Provides demonstrations of JGroups functionality. 
org.jgroups.demos.wb A distributed whiteboard applet implemented using JGroups. 
org.jgroups.protocols Provides implementations of transport protocols which are responsible for sending and receiving messages to/from the network. 
org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast Supports probabilistic broadcasts. 
org.jgroups.stack Support for managing protocol stacks. 
org.jgroups.util Provides useful functionality which cannot be assigned to any particular other package. 

Uses of Message in org.jgroups

Methods in org.jgroups that return Message
 Message Message.clearFlag(Message.Flag... flags)
          Clears a number of flags in a message
 Message Message.clearTransientFlag(Message.TransientFlag... flags)
 Message Message.copy()
 Message Message.copy(boolean copy_buffer)
          Create a copy of the message.
 Message Message.copy(boolean copy_buffer, boolean copy_headers)
          Create a copy of the message.
 Message Message.copy(boolean copy_buffer, short starting_id)
          Doesn't copy any headers except for those with ID >= copy_headers_above
 Message Message.copy(boolean copy_buffer, short starting_id, short... copy_only_ids)
          Copies a message.
 Message Message.dest(Address new_dest)
 Message Message.makeReply()
 Message Message.putHeader(short id, Header hdr)
          Puts a header given an ID into the hashmap.
 Message Message.setBuffer(Buffer buf)
           Note that the byte[] buffer passed as argument must not be modified.
 Message Message.setBuffer(byte[] b)
 Message Message.setBuffer(byte[] b, int offset, int length)
          Set the internal buffer to point to a subset of a given buffer
 Message Message.setFlag(Message.Flag... flags)
          Sets a number of flags in a message
 Message Message.setFlag(short flag)
          Sets the flags from a short.
 Message Message.setObject(java.lang.Object obj)
          Takes an object and uses Java serialization to generate the byte[] buffer which is set in the message.
 Message Message.setScope(short scope)
 Message Message.setTransientFlag(Message.TransientFlag... flags)
          Same as setFlag(Flag...) except that transient flags are not marshalled
 Message Message.src(Address new_src)

Methods in org.jgroups with parameters of type Message
 void MessageListener.receive(Message msg)
          Called when a message is received.
 void ReceiverAdapter.receive(Message msg)
          Called when a message is received.
 void JChannel.send(Message msg)
abstract  void Channel.send(Message msg)
          Sends a message.

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.auth

Methods in org.jgroups.auth with parameters of type Message
 boolean MD5Token.authenticate(AuthToken token, Message msg)
 boolean DemoToken.authenticate(AuthToken token, Message msg)
abstract  boolean AuthToken.authenticate(AuthToken token, Message msg)
          This method should be implemented to perform the actual authentication of joining members.
 boolean FixedMembershipToken.authenticate(AuthToken token, Message msg)
 boolean X509Token.authenticate(AuthToken token, Message msg)
 boolean RegexMembership.authenticate(AuthToken token, Message msg)
 boolean SimpleToken.authenticate(AuthToken token, Message msg)

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.blocks

Fields in org.jgroups.blocks declared as Message
protected  Message Request.request_msg

Methods in org.jgroups.blocks with parameters of type Message
<T> GroupRequest<T>
MessageDispatcher.cast(java.util.Collection<Address> dests, Message msg, RequestOptions options, boolean block_for_results)
<T> RspList<T>
MessageDispatcher.castMessage(java.util.Collection<Address> dests, Message msg, RequestOptions options)
          Sends a message to all members and expects responses from members in dests (if non-null).
<T> NotifyingFuture<RspList<T>>
MessageDispatcher.castMessageWithFuture(java.util.Collection<Address> dests, Message msg, RequestOptions options)
          Sends a message to all members and expects responses from members in dests (if non-null).
 java.lang.Object RpcDispatcher.handle(Message req)
          Message contains MethodCall.
 java.lang.Object MessageDispatcher.handle(Message msg)
 java.lang.Object RequestHandler.handle(Message msg)
protected  void RequestCorrelator.handleRequest(Message req, RequestCorrelator.Header hdr)
          Handle a request msg for this correlator
protected  void RequestCorrelator.prepareResponse(Message rsp)
 void ReplicatedTree.receive(Message msg)
 void ReplicatedHashMap.receive(Message msg)
 boolean RequestCorrelator.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Handles a message coming from a layer below
<T> T
MessageDispatcher.sendMessage(Message msg, RequestOptions opts)
          Sends a unicast message and - depending on the options - returns a result
<T> NotifyingFuture<T>
MessageDispatcher.sendMessageWithFuture(Message msg, RequestOptions options)
          Sends a unicast message to the target defined by msg.getDest() and returns a future
 void RequestCorrelator.sendRequest(long id, java.util.Collection<Address> dest_mbrs, Message msg, RspCollector coll, RequestOptions options)
          Sends a request to a group.
 void RequestCorrelator.sendRequest(long id, java.util.List<Address> dest_mbrs, Message msg, RspCollector coll)
 void RequestCorrelator.sendUnicastRequest(long id, Address target, Message msg, RspCollector coll)
          Sends a request to a single destination

Constructors in org.jgroups.blocks with parameters of type Message
GroupRequest(Message msg, RequestCorrelator corr, Address target, RequestOptions options)
GroupRequest(Message msg, RequestCorrelator corr, java.util.Collection<Address> targets, RequestOptions options)
Request(Message request, RequestCorrelator corr, RequestOptions options)
UnicastRequest(Message msg, Address target, RequestOptions options)
UnicastRequest(Message msg, RequestCorrelator corr, Address target, RequestOptions options)

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.blocks.mux

Methods in org.jgroups.blocks.mux with parameters of type Message
<T> GroupRequest<T>
MuxMessageDispatcher.cast(java.util.Collection<Address> dests, Message msg, RequestOptions options, boolean blockForResults)
<T> GroupRequest<T>
MuxRpcDispatcher.cast(java.util.Collection<Address> dests, Message msg, RequestOptions options, boolean blockForResults)
protected  void MuxRequestCorrelator.prepareResponse(Message rsp)
 void MuxRequestCorrelator.sendRequest(long requestId, java.util.Collection<Address> dest_mbrs, Message msg, RspCollector coll, RequestOptions options)
 void MuxRequestCorrelator.sendUnicastRequest(long id, Address target, Message msg, RspCollector coll)

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.demos

Methods in org.jgroups.demos with parameters of type Message
 void Chat.receive(Message msg)
 void Draw.receive(Message msg)

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.demos.wb

Methods in org.jgroups.demos.wb with parameters of type Message
 void Whiteboard.receive(Message m)

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.protocols

Fields in org.jgroups.protocols with type parameters of type Message
protected  java.util.List<Message> SHUFFLE.down_msgs
protected  Table<Message> UNICAST.ReceiverEntry.received_msgs
protected  Table<Message> UNICAST2.ReceiverEntry.received_msgs
protected  java.util.List<Message> SHUFFLE.up_msgs

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols that return Message
protected static Message TP.readMessage( instream)
 Message SCOPE.MessageQueue.remove()

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols that return types with arguments of type Message
protected static java.util.List<Message> TP.readMessageList( in)

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols with parameters of type Message
 void SCOPE.MessageQueue.add(Message msg)
protected  void SEQUENCER.broadcast(Message msg, boolean copy, Address original_sender, long seqno, boolean resend)
protected  void SEQUENCER.deliver(Message msg, Event evt, SEQUENCER.SequencerHeader hdr)
protected  void RELAY.forwardToCoord(Message msg)
          Wraps the message annd sends it to the current coordinator
protected  boolean AUTH.handleAuthHeader(GMS.GmsHeader gms_hdr, AuthHeader auth_hdr, Message msg)
          Handles a GMS header
protected  void UNICAST.handleDataReceived(Address sender, long seqno, short conn_id, boolean first, Message msg, Event evt)
          Check whether the hashtable contains an entry e for sender (create if not).
protected  void UNICAST2.handleDataReceived(Address sender, long seqno, short conn_id, boolean first, Message msg, Event evt)
          Check whether the hashmap contains an entry e for sender (create if not).
protected  java.lang.Object MFC.handleDownMessage(Event evt, Message msg, Address dest, int length)
protected  java.lang.Object UFC.handleDownMessage(Event evt, Message msg, Address dest, int length)
protected abstract  java.lang.Object FlowControl.handleDownMessage(Event evt, Message msg, Address dest, int length)
protected  void TP.passMessageUp(Message msg, boolean perform_cluster_name_matching, boolean multicast, boolean discard_own_mcast)
 void RELAY.Receiver.receive(Message msg)
 void UNICAST.retransmit(Message msg)
          Called by AckSenderWindow to resend messages for which no ACK has been received yet
 void TP.Bundler.send(Message msg)
 void TP.DefaultBundler.send(Message msg)
 void TP.DefaultBundler2.send(Message msg)
 void TP.TransferQueueBundler.send(Message msg)
 void TP.TransferQueueBundler2.send(Message msg)
protected  void TP.send(Message msg, Address dest, boolean multicast)
          Serializes and sends a message.
protected  void TUNNEL.send(Message msg, Address dest, boolean multicast)
protected  void UNICAST.send(Message msg, Event evt)
protected  void MPING.sendMcastDiscoveryRequest(Message msg)
protected  void BPING.sendMcastDiscoveryRequest(Message msg)
protected  void Discovery.sendMcastDiscoveryRequest(Message discovery_request)
protected  void TP.setSourceAddress(Message msg)
          If the sender is null, set our own address.
protected  void SEQUENCER.unwrapAndDeliver(Message msg, boolean flush_ack)
          Unmarshal the original message (in the payload) and then pass it up (unless already delivered)
protected static void TP.writeMessage(Message msg, dos, boolean multicast)
          This method needs to be synchronized on out_stream when it is called

Method parameters in org.jgroups.protocols with type arguments of type Message
protected  int UNICAST.removeAndDeliver(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean processing, Table<Message> win)
protected static void TP.writeMessageList(Address dest, Address src, java.util.List<Message> msgs, dos, boolean multicast)
          Write a lits of messages with the same destination and *mostly* the same src addresses.

Constructor parameters in org.jgroups.protocols with type arguments of type Message
UNICAST.ReceiverEntry(Table<Message> received_msgs, long recv_conn_id)
UNICAST2.ReceiverEntry(Table<Message> received_msgs, short recv_conn_id)

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast

Fields in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast with type parameters of type Message
protected  BoundedList<Message> NAKACK2.become_server_queue
protected  BoundedList<Message> NAKACK.become_server_queue
protected  java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap<Address,Table<Message>> NAKACK2.xmit_table
          Map to store sent and received messages (keyed by sender)

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast that return types with arguments of type Message
protected  Table<Message> NAKACK2.createTable(long initial_seqno)
 Table<Message> NAKACK2.getWindow(Address sender)
          Returns the receive window for sender; only used for testing.

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast with parameters of type Message
protected  void NAKACK2.handleMessage(Message msg, NakAckHeader2 hdr)
          Finds the corresponding retransmit buffer and adds the message to it (according to seqno).
protected  void NAKACK2.handleXmitRsp(Message msg, NakAckHeader2 hdr)
protected  void NAKACK2.send(Event evt, Message msg)
          Adds the message to the sent_msgs table and then passes it down the stack.
protected  void NAKACK.send(Event evt, Message msg)
          Adds the message to the sent_msgs table and then passes it down the stack.
protected  void NAKACK2.sendXmitRsp(Address dest, Message msg)
          Sends a message msg to the requester.
 boolean NAKACK2.Counter.visit(long seqno, Message element, int row, int column)

Method parameters in org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast with type arguments of type Message
protected static long NAKACK2.sizeOfAllMessages(Table<Message> buf, boolean include_headers)

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.protocols.relay

Fields in org.jgroups.protocols.relay with type parameters of type Message
protected  java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap<java.lang.Short,java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue<Message>> Relayer.fwd_queue

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.relay that return Message
protected  Message RELAY2.copy(Message msg)
          Copies the message, but only the headers above the current protocol (RELAY) (or RpcDispatcher related headers)
protected  Message Relayer.Route.createMessage(Address target, Address final_destination, Address original_sender, Message msg)

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.relay with parameters of type Message
protected  Message RELAY2.copy(Message msg)
          Copies the message, but only the headers above the current protocol (RELAY) (or RpcDispatcher related headers)
protected  Message Relayer.Route.createMessage(Address target, Address final_destination, Address original_sender, Message msg)
protected  void RELAY2.deliver(Address dest, Address sender, Message msg)
protected  void RELAY2.deliverLocally(SiteAddress dest, SiteAddress sender, Message msg)
protected  void RELAY2.forwardTo(Address next_dest, SiteAddress final_dest, Address original_sender, Message msg, boolean forward_to_current_coord)
protected  void RELAY2.handleMessage(RELAY2.Relay2Header hdr, Message msg)
          Called to handle a message received by the transport
protected  void RELAY2.handleRelayMessage(RELAY2.Relay2Header hdr, Message msg)
          Called to handle a message received by the relayer
 void Relayer.Bridge.receive(Message msg)
protected  void RELAY2.route(SiteAddress dest, SiteAddress sender, Message msg)
          Routes the message to the target destination, used by a site master (coordinator)
 void Relayer.Route.send(short target_site, Address final_destination, Address original_sender, Message msg)
protected  void RELAY2.sendToBridges(Address sender, Message msg, short... excluded_sites)
          Sends the message via all bridges excluding the excluded_sites bridges

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.protocols.tom

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.tom that return types with arguments of type Message
 java.util.List<Message> DeliveryManager.getNextMessagesToDeliver()
          returns an ordered list with the messages to be deliver.
 java.util.List<Message> DeliveryManagerImpl.getNextMessagesToDeliver()

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols.tom with parameters of type Message
 void DeliveryManagerImpl.addNewMessageToDeliver(MessageID messageID, Message message, long sequenceNumber)
          Add a new group message to be deliver
 void TOA.deliver(Message message)
 void DeliveryProtocol.deliver(Message message)
          deliver a message
 void DeliveryManagerImpl.deliverSingleDestinationMessage(Message msg)
          delivers a message that has only as destination member this node

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.stack

Methods in org.jgroups.stack that return Message
 Message NakReceiverWindow.get(long seqno)
          Returns the message from xmit_table
 Message NakReceiverWindow.remove()
 Message NakReceiverWindow.remove(boolean acquire_lock, boolean remove_msg)

Methods in org.jgroups.stack that return types with arguments of type Message
 java.util.List<Message> NakReceiverWindow.get(long from, long to)
          Returns a list of messages in the range [from ..
 java.util.List<Message> NakReceiverWindow.removeMany(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean processing)
          Removes as many messages as possible
 java.util.List<Message> NakReceiverWindow.removeMany(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean processing, boolean remove_msgs, int max_results)
          Removes as many messages as possible

Methods in org.jgroups.stack with parameters of type Message
 boolean NakReceiverWindow.add(long seqno, Message msg)
          Adds a message according to its seqno (sequence number).

Uses of Message in org.jgroups.util

Fields in org.jgroups.util declared as Message
protected  Message[][] RetransmitTable.matrix

Fields in org.jgroups.util with type parameters of type Message
protected  java.util.NavigableMap<java.lang.Long,Message> ForwardQueue.forward_table
          Maintains messages forwarded to the target which which no ack has been received yet.

Methods in org.jgroups.util that return Message
static Message Util.byteBufferToMessage(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
 Message RetransmitTable.get(long seqno)
protected  Message[] RetransmitTable.getRow(int index)
          Returns a row.
 Message RetransmitTable.putIfAbsent(long seqno, Message msg)
          Adds a message if the element at the given index is null.
 Message RetransmitTable.remove(long seqno)
          Removes the message with seqno from the table, nulls the index

Methods in org.jgroups.util that return types with arguments of type Message
 java.util.List<Message> RetransmitTable.get(long from, long to)

Methods in org.jgroups.util with parameters of type Message
static short Util.getScope(Message msg)
static Buffer Util.messageToByteBuffer(Message msg)
static java.lang.String Util.printMessage(Message msg)
          Tries to read an object from the message's buffer and prints it
 boolean RetransmitTable.put(long seqno, Message msg)
          Adds a new message to the index computed as a function of seqno
 Message RetransmitTable.putIfAbsent(long seqno, Message msg)
          Adds a message if the element at the given index is null.
 void ForwardQueue.receive(long id, Message msg)
 void ForwardQueue.send(long id, Message msg)
static void Util.setScope(Message msg, short scope)

Method parameters in org.jgroups.util with type arguments of type Message
static Buffer Util.msgListToByteBuffer(java.util.List<Message> xmit_list)
          Marshalls a list of messages.

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